... you come to the end of a To-Do list pad? Stop making lists?
This is my conundrum on my 1st DAY OFF OF WORK! Get in or get out I got a horse to saddle!
I took my 1st sick day for an eye appointment today and my eyes are dilated so forgive me for any spelling faux pauxs. (Guarantee that is one right there.)
Here is my to-do list.
1. eye appointment -- check dilated eyes -- check
2. blog -- check
3. dishes
4. laundry
5. vacuum --- I HATE to vacuum but this is the only way I can torture our dog because she hates it more than I do.
6. Get stuff: paint, painter's tape, ply wood
7. Paint accent wall
8. Pick up BC. No Chic kids yet.
9. Cook -- we may be camping tonight so that might entail putting hot dogs and buns in the cooler. Go me.
10. Get Mama's present
Tomorrow is Mama's 40th - ish birthday! :)
Last year, "she was learning to scuba dive" and I was "playing Mama to HayBee with a very broken finger".
This year we're going to do it up big -- Kansas style. Prayers for Mama because this will be one of very few years up until now that her parents will not be around to help celebrate. Gramma is in Texas "on vacation" at a different Bed & Breakfast, Lake House, Bank Trip, Condo each night -- you name it, she is "vacationing" there.
I am reminded this morning how THANKFUL I am to have Mama and Daddy around whenever I need them for support, especially with the struggles I am having at work. They are such an encouragement and blessing to both Gardener Guy and Chic Chick.
So, "Happy Happy Birthday from your blog friends to you -- we wish it was our birthday so we could party too, hey!"
Mama love and all of mine!
PS. Today is Gardener Guy's last day at his job! Hooray! He will be gradually taking over Boss Daddy D's business. He'll be Window Guy after tonight --- eh, I still love my Gardener Guy!