Saturday, March 20, 2010

Patience is a Virtue

Many a-times Mama has told me that patience is a virtue.

Long story short, on Wednesday Mama, Auntie J, Johnny Mike and Haley Beth and I went to the UPS store to run color copies of our invitations. Auntie J spent many, many hours painting and I had spent hours getting the wording, font, formatting and materials prepared.

We took all of these (Auntie J's paintings, the wording on a transparency, and our cardstock) over to the UPS store. We wanted them to lay the transparency and painting on the copier, load the cardstock and pump out 150 invitations.

Nope. The lady wanted to work it over on Publisher and email me the proof on Saturday to confirm and then print.. in April. Saturday has came and went, and no email proof.

Auntie J: did we see this coming?

Patience is a virtue.

Here's to hoping that I will a proof of a lovely invitation sitting in my inbox on Monday!


  1. Patience IS a virtue....but no I don't have too much of it and I think I passed that on to my daughter. The key is to keep busy and then you don't think about it!

  2. Well, butter me and call me a biscuit, I can't believe it! I don't really have any patience either but I do have enough sense not to post my true opinion of the copier gal! So I'll just say "Oh, Sweet Marmalade!"lol

  3. When will we ever learn to listen to our "gut"? I feel for ya sweetie. Just know a 100 years it won't matter. I know, doesn't help right NOW! That said, your a bride to be and unfortunately, you will need LOTS of patience in the next couple of months. Hang in there, your doing "JUST FINE"!
    PB(Soon to be wedded)KISSES to you!
